MEDITATIONS | Spiritual Soul
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First steps

If you've never tried meditation before i would highly recommend it. I find that lots of people think that they cannot do it as their minds are too busy with constant thoughts, but that's the exact reason to try it. 

You don't have to sit a certain way, or hold your hands in a certain position. Yes these things do support some meditation styles but the main part is being comfortable. This is something you can explore as you go along your meditation journey.

Even just having 2 minutes per day to just 'be' is very beneficial to your mental health. We live in a fast paced world with so many commitments we often put ourselves at the bottom of our to do lists and don't make time for us. One of my favourite sayings is 'you cant pour from an empty cup' so schedule in some time for yourself.

The first time you meditate i would recommend using a You tube guided mediation or an app that starts very basic with just 2 minutes of concentrating on your breathing. 

I find it easier to meditate when i have something to focus on. 

Its perfectly normal for thoughts to come into your head about every day stuff just remember to acknowledge them and refocus on what you are listening to. You might find you feel as though you are spending the whole time bringing your focus back from thoughts that creep in. This is still going to benefit your mind so bare with it. This is called spiritual practise

I am in the process of recording my own meditations so keep an eye out for the free download.

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If you are interested in meditations i can add you to our mailing list and update you when they are ready.

Thanks! Message sent.

There are so many emotional and physical benefits. Lots of studies have been done to prove the positive effects meditation has on our minds and body.

Here are some of the ones i think are key;

  • Enhances your self awareness

  • Lengthens your attention span

  • Reduces stress and tension

  • Helps with depression, anxiety and mental clarity

  • Helps ease living with chronic pain

  • Reduces high blood pressure and asthma attacks

  • Promotes healthy sleep pattern

  • Reduces negative emotions

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