Why are we drinking Christmas trees? What are the Health benefits of pine needle tea?
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Why are we drinking Christmas trees? What are the Health benefits of pine needle tea?

Pine needle tea, tea bags

It’s not just seasonal, although it’s a great drink to bring out this time of year with all its natural antioxidant power. Especially when we are indulging in lots of sweet treats, and maybe not keeping up with our healthy eating habits.

Pine trees have so many benefits if you just swap out your morning brew for pine needle instead of your typical English tea bag. Simple as that and you can give your immune system a boost!

This time of year, with colds and all sorts going around it’s the perfect time to try our pine needle tea bags. We have carefully assembled tea bags that can be used up to 3 times or more. Which gives you great value for money, and they are bagged in biodegradable non bleached tea bags. Here are some of the benefits;

Antioxidant Boost: Pine needle tea is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which helps combat free radicals in the body and supports overall health.

Respiratory Relief: Drinking pine needle tea may provide respiratory benefits, as it contains compounds that can help soothe coughs and alleviate congestion.

Vitamin Powerhouse: Pine needle tea is a natural source of vitamins A and C, crucial for immune system support, skin health, and vision.

Refreshing Flavour: The tea offers a unique and refreshing flavour profile, with hints of piney aroma, making it a distinctive and enjoyable beverage.

Historical Healing: Throughout history, various cultures have used pine needle tea for its potential medicinal properties, including immune system support and vitality.

Mood Enhancement: Some people find that the aroma of pine needle tea has a calming effect, potentially contributing to improved mood and relaxation.

Mindful Sipping: Enjoying a cup of pine needle tea can be a mindful ritual, offering a moment of tranquillity and a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before adding new herbal teas to your routine, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are pregnant.

Leaves, with glass cup and packet of pine needles

I actually started drinking pine needle tea myself about 3years ago as I was advised by the local health store it would help to combat colds and protect me from any shedding around me. I made sure I drank it daily and really reaped the benefits. Since then, I’ve been hooked but I found when I went to purchase it again the price had gone up so much. I felt compelled to start my foraging more seriously as it’s something I’ve been called back to many times now. I researched pine needle trees and learnt about the ones you can and cannot consume.

I was fascinated by more and more reasons to drink the tea, the more I read the more it went deeper into how pinecones are connected with who we are, buts that’s a blog for another day.

We have taken great care in making sure to harvest the best Pine needles locally, in the most sustainable way and take pride in packaging with the highest hygiene standards.

We really hope you enjoy this tea and can’t wait to hear your feedback! WHO’s ready to try the swap?


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